Home » La Bissa Scudlera Osteria

La Bissa Scudlera Osteria

Dove mangiare
Schermata 2023-09-19 alle 12.03.27

The restaurant La Bissa Scudlera, where the name – bissa scudlèra – is in the Piacenza language for turtle, was born in a villa of the sixties on the banks of the Trebbia river.

The menu, which often varies according to the season, offers dishes in balance between tradition and an evolution towards more complex proposals.

The environment is modern and informal, there are no tablecloths on the tables and wine can be drunk in the glass or in the traditional white bowl of the ancient Piacenza taverns.

Loc. Marchesi Houses
29020 TRAVO (PC)

Tel. 0523 0523 957949 – cell. 347 095 9548


Instagram: @labissa2020

Email: bissasnc@gmail.com

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