The production area of this well-known cheese includes the provinces of Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Bologna and partly Mantua.
Social dairy “Migliara”
Via Rovetto – Migliara, 1 – CASINA
Phone 0522/609303 – Fax 0522/609303 aztosi@tin.it
Latteria Sociale “S.Giorgio”
Via Cortogno Centro, 20 – CASINA
Phone 0522/607100 – Fax 0522/607100 chiesi.marcello@libero.it
Latteria Sociale “Cigarello”
Via Cigarello, 3 – CARPINETI
tel. 0522/816560 – Fax 0522/816560 info@latteriadelcigarello.com
Social dairy “S. Pietro”
Via Valestra – CARPINETI
Phone 522/893108- Fax 0522/893108 latteria.sanpietro@virgilio.it
Social Dairy “Cagnola”
Phone 0522/613321 – Fax 0522/613321
Social dairy “Carnola”
Phone 0522/812396 – Fax 0522/812396
Social Dairy “Casale”
Phone 0522/812069 – Fax 0522/812069
Latteria Sociale “Fornacione”
Via Fornacione, 3 – Felina – CASTELNOVO MONTI
Phone 0522/814401 – Fax 0522/814610 info@fornacione.it
Social dairy “Garfagnolo”
Via Garfagnolo, 6 – CASTELNOVO MONTI
Phone 0522/812906 – Fax 0522/812906 –
Dairy “Madonna della Pietra di Bismantova”
Via Vigna, 1-Berzana – CASTELNOVO MONTI
Phone 0522/9321 – Fax 0522/932213 negozio.berzana@ferrarini.it
Social dairy “Selvapiana”
Via Selvapiana – CANOSSA
Phone 0522/878512 – Fax 0522/242680
Social Dairy “Minozzo”
Via Don Venerio Fontana, 10 – Minozzo – VILLA MINOZZO
Phone 0522/801101 – Fax 0522/801101
Social Dairy “Latteria del Parco”
Via Val Lonza, 4-Gazzolo- RAMISETO
Phone 0522/817108 – Fax 0522/817108 info@caseificiodelparco.it
Social Dairy “Latteria del Parco”
store Via Via Nazionale Nord 30, loc. CERVAREZZA, cap.42032 Municipality of Ventasso.
Social dairy “Cavola”
Via Argentina, 1-Cavola – TOANO
Phone 0522/806304 – Fax 0522/806113 info@993.it
Social dairy “Quara”
Via Crocetta, 1-Quara – TOANO
Phone 0522/808402 – Fax 0522/808546 info@parmigiano-quara.it
Fattoria Fiori di Fiori PierPaolo
Via Rodogno, 12 – VETTO
Phone 0522/721014 – Fax 0522/815000
VIA M.R.Bertolini, 11/A, San Giovanni di Querciola
42030 – Viano (RE) – Italy
Phone 0522/847106
Via delle Piane, 1 – Tabiano
42030 – Viano (RE) – Italy
Phone 0522/988239
Town of Baiso
Address Via Osteria vecchia, 7
Municipality 42031 – Baiso (RE)
Phone 0522/760100
Fax 0522/760100
Email angelo.truzzi@royal-aware.com
Production environment characterized by variety of pedoclimatic conditions. In fact, it goes from the Apennines to the plain. Despite this, the characteristics of the components of this cheese are uniform, so much so that we can speak of a single product, despite the different facets deriving from fodder and above all from the human factor and the production method.
The place and date of birth are difficult to establish with certainty, what is certain is that Parmigiano-Reggiano (as a composition) is the same as eight centuries ago. Some trace its origin back to Etruscan times. It is certainly mentioned by Latin authors. One of the most famous literary passages is contained in Boccaccio’s Decameron, where it is described in these terms “you were a mountain of grated Parmesan cheese, on top of which were people who did nothing else but make macaroni and ravioli, and cook them in capon broth and then threw them down, and so on and so forth”. (Slow Itineraries)
Before 1951, Parmigiano and Reggiano coexisted as distinct entities. It was only after that date that the brand was unified. In 1996 the “king of cheeses” obtained the European PDO.
Dishes and Ingredients:
Artisan cheese, it is made in small and medium-sized dairies with a processing method that has been maintained over time. Each toll booth processes the milk of its territory, and each cheesemaker conducts the processing in a personalized way, thus leaving his unmistakable “imprint”.
Every day, in the late afternoon, the milk of the afternoon milking arrives, which is poured into special containers to allow the surfacing of the cream, from which the surfacing butter will be obtained.
The next morning the second part of milk is added and cooking begins, which lasts from 20 to 30 minutes at a temperature of about 60 degrees. Once the temperature is reached, the natural rennet is added which is “broken” as soon as the curd is formed, subsequently pressed to give it the typical shape of the shape, and “fished”. By dividing it you will then get the shape. The latter is placed in wooden “molds” and then pressed. After salting (which lasts 20–30 days) the Parmigiano-Reggiano is placed in the “magazzeno” for seasoning.