Two million euros for the “Montagna del Latte 2.0″ of the Reggio Apennines, the project chosen by the Ministry of Regional Affairs and the autonomies as a pilot project for the national strategy of Green Communities and model for the next call of the Pnrr that will have to identify on the national territory 30 new “Green Communities”.
The ministerial funding – provided for by a decree published in recent days – will serve in particular to finance an operational plan for a sustainable development project – whose implementing subject will be the Union of the Reggio Apennines – which includes three lines of work: Integrated and certified management of forests, energy management and development of renewable sources, sustainable crop management and animal husbandry.
“The recognition of ‘La montagna del Latte’ as a national reference model – underlined the regional councilor for Mountain and territorial planning Barbara Lori – is an important goal that enhances the work of an entire community. Work that now, thanks to this funding, can begin to be translated into concrete actions. I am convinced that it is precisely from this territory that a new model of development can arise, more attentive to natural resources, more equitable and inclusive, able to combat depopulation. Creating for everyone, but in particular for young people, new opportunities for life and work”.
The Montagna del Latte 2.0 project
Presented by the Emilia-Romagna Region, the “Montagna del Latte 2.0” project is one of the three chosen at national level by the Ministry, together with those “Terre del Monviso” and “Sirente Velino Regional Park” of the Piedmont and Abruzzo Regions, each of which will receive a similar funding of 2 million euros. Green communities are local communities that will have to draw up sustainable development plans from an energy, environmental, economic and social point of view.
The project of “La Montagna del Latte 2.0” was born as an evolution of a previous successful experience carried out as part of the National Strategy for inland areas (SNAI) in 2018.