The Region launches the new call for young couples and families who wish to buy a house in one of the 121 municipalities of the Emilia-Romagna Apennines.
Five million euros the resources available for non-repayable contributions from a minimum of 10 thousand to a maximum of 30 thousand euros.
Applications can be submitted from 12 October to 10 November.
The call is aimed at young couples and families, even composed of one person. The applicant must be born after 1 ^ January 1982, must be resident in Emilia-Romagna, or carry out an exclusive or prevalent work activity in the region. The Isee of the family unit must not exceed 50 thousand euros.
The contribution is addressed to thepurchase of an accommodation in ownership (limited to existing housing) to be used as one’s habitual residence for at least five years. For the same period the accommodation can not be rented or sold.
The purchase of accommodation must be made after the approval of the announcement.
The call provides additional scores for those who have one or more children living together; for those under 30 ;for those who already have a work activity in an Apennine municipality; for those who live in a non-mountain municipality and transfer their residence to a mountain municipality. Among the rewarding requirements also those referring to the location of the property. In fact, a higher score will be attributed to those who buy a house in municipalities with the most disadvantaged demographic decrease, old age and income indices. The ranking will remain valid for 12 months.
Here the announcement and the insights: