Home » A journey through the secrets of Parma ham

A journey through the secrets of Parma ham


A delegation of the Italian Academy of Cuisine in Lesignano De’ Bagni. The group followed live all the processing phases of the famous salami.

The Italian Academy of Cuisine to discover the “secrets” of Parma ham, in all the production phases that precede the marketing and landing on the table. It was an experience of “updating” and knowledge, as well as an opportunity to strengthen friendship with the other Delegations, the initiative organized by the AIC of La Spezia together with the delegations of Trento, Rovereto and those of Parma that hosted the large representation of La Spezia. The “trip” had as its destination the Hauser ham factory, owned by Stefano Hauser, owner of other factories in the sector in Trentino, as well as delegate of the Academy of Trento. In the Emilian factory, which is based in Lesignano De’ Bagni (Parma), the La Spezia group, led by the delegate Marinella Curre Caporuscio, had the opportunity to realize “live” the different phases of the long production process. To illustrate the various steps the manager of the establishment who then accompanied the academics of La Spezia in a characteristic place where some of the dishes of the Emilian gastronomic tradition were tasted. A guided tour to discover the most significant monuments and cultural places of Parma concluded the trip. In the coming weeks, in fact, several other initiatives are planned, including a meeting – on October 22 – in Castelnuovo Magra on the occasion of the autumn “ecumenical dinner”, the event that sees academics of cuisine from all over the world sitting at the table at the same time. The event will take place on the occasion of the publication of the book “The farmer’s table: the field, the courtyard, the stable, in the kitchen of the regional tradition” and will be dedicated, on the recommendation of the national presidency of the Academy, precisely to this theme, on which there will also be a conversation by the director of the Ligurian study center of the AIC Egidio Banti. The following month, on November 24th, a conference open to the public is scheduled in Sarzana (Loggiato di Gemmi) with the participation of an authoritative guest, the president of the Accademia dei Georgofili Massimo Vincenzini who, with Ruggero Larco and Elisabetta Cocito, will talk about “Sustainability at the table: the food of tomorrow”.

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