Home » Salumi Grossetti Srl

Salumi Grossetti Srl

Imprese del territorio

The first documents linking the Grossetti family to the production of cured meats date back to 1875, with the workshop of Pietro Grossetti in Pianello Val Tidone, but the memory and oral testimonies go even further back.

Until the second post-war period, the production of cured meats in Val Tidone was linked to the rhythms of the seasons and nature, to rural life and shop. There were no sausage factories, but only craft shops where every year the gestures made for centuries in country houses were repeated.

The “butcher ritual” of pork tanning is an ancient tradition linked to the livelihood of peasant families, with the passage of time the craft has also been entrusted to the shops where traditions were kept and skills were refined.

Even the Grossetti family, generation after generation, has managed its delicatessen shop in Pianello Val Tidone, becoming a reference point for those looking for excellent quality cold cuts and marking with their work the history of Val Tidone cured meats.
Website: https://salumigrossetti.it/
Address: Via del Santuario, 48 – Strà di Nibbiano 29031 Alta Val Tidone (PC)
Phone: 0523.998856
E-mail: info@salumigrossetti.it

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