Home » Coldiretti Parma

Coldiretti Parma

Imprese del territorio

Coldiretti Parma is the largest agricultural professional organization active in the Province of Parma.

Established on 26 February 1948 at the Palazzo dell’Agricoltura in Parma in Piazzale Verdi nr. 1 in the presence of the Notary Dr. Vincenzo Bertogalli, boasts sixty years of activity and has a provincial office, 10 area offices and 20 delivery offices.

It is currently chaired by Nicola Bertinelli and is directed by Marco Orsi.

The Federation represents the members towards the provincial political and administrative institutions and in relations with public and private bodies of a provincial nature, supporting the interests of the categories represented in economic policies that enhance the resources of provincial agriculture under the productive, economic, commercial, social and environmental aspects in relation to the market evolution of the agri-food and agro-industrial sector.

It guarantees and protects development, also through the promotion of adequate social policies, of the person and his professionalism, in the field of agricultural and rural work.
It supports the development of business and agricultural activity at provincial level.

Website: https://parma.coldiretti.it/
Address: piazza Salandra 19/a 43126 Parma,
Phone: 0521 901411
E-mail: parma@coldiretti.it

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