Home » The Palio delle Contrade

The Palio delle Contrade


is held every year in Bobbio, a village located in the heart of Val Trebbia.

The historical event includes various skill competitions, in which the contradaioli challenge each other with the aim of crowning the Contrada Regina, which for a year will bring the title back into play the following year.

The districts of Bobbio are five and take their names from the ancient gates of access to the medieval city:

  • Alcarina Gate
  • Legleria Gate
  • Frangula Gate
  • Agazza Gate
  • Porta Nova

Each district has a distinctive color and its own banner. The same colors are used for the clothes of the contradaioli who will test themselves in the Palio races.

When: Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 June.


Ancient games at Piazza Duomo

When: Saturday 25 June, 4.30 pm

Parade of the districts

When: Saturday 25 June, 9.00 pm
Where: departure from Ponte Gobbo
Following the launch of the challenge

Show flag-wavers and musicians of Lavagna

When: Sunday 26 June, 10.00 am


When: Sunday, June 26, from 2pm
– egg throwing
– archery
– wheelbarrow race
– pole of the cockaigne
– tug-of-war
– sponge race

Following awards and dinners of the districts!!

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