Home » The musical caravan 2023 “Terre di mezzo” starts in the hamlets of Rivergaro

The musical caravan 2023 “Terre di mezzo” starts in the hamlets of Rivergaro


The musical caravan 2023 “Terre di mezzo” starts: an event that will bring good music and make people dance in the suggestive hamlets of Rivergaro.

The first appointment entitled “Singing around the table” is scheduled for Thursday 2 March at 21 in Ancarano at the “Vecchia Osteria Ancarano Sopra” (Via Veano 42, Rivergaro) with Rataplam, Davide Bazzini and Davide Bardugoni who will sing the songs of the 4 provinces and songs from Bergamo.

The “Terre di mezzo” musical caravan will then move on Saturday 11 March at 9 pm to Niviano at the parish hall (via Alberoni 3) with the balfolk evening : Bifolc and Trio Aserei will dance traditional folk dances.

The review will continue on Saturday 1 April at 6 pm in the Church of Sant’Ilario in Rallio di Montechiaro where Maddalena Scagnelli will be joined by other musicians . The review, organized by the Reading Center of Rivergaro, the Municipality of Rivergaro and Le Vie del Sale will then continue in the summer with other stages.

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