The musical caravan 2023 “Terre di mezzo” starts: an event that will bring good music and make people dance in the suggestive hamlets of Rivergaro.
The first appointment entitled “Singing around the table” is scheduled for Thursday 2 March at 21 in Ancarano at the “Vecchia Osteria Ancarano Sopra” (Via Veano 42, Rivergaro) with Rataplam, Davide Bazzini and Davide Bardugoni who will sing the songs of the 4 provinces and songs from Bergamo.
The “Terre di mezzo” musical caravan will then move on Saturday 11 March at 9 pm to Niviano at the parish hall (via Alberoni 3) with the balfolk evening : Bifolc and Trio Aserei will dance traditional folk dances.
The review will continue on Saturday 1 April at 6 pm in the Church of Sant’Ilario in Rallio di Montechiaro where Maddalena Scagnelli will be joined by other musicians . The review, organized by the Reading Center of Rivergaro, the Municipality of Rivergaro and Le Vie del Sale will then continue in the summer with other stages.