The Teatro dell’Orsa presents the unique event Tè End? – poetic and sound journey for those who are in the wind
The unrepeatable experience, which will take place in Ginepreto di Castelnovo ne’ Monti (RE), will also be attended by the Felina Music Band. Free participation, limited places.
An easy journey, a poetic, open, secular ritual to celebrate life and remind us of the people we loved: the departure of Tè End? poetic and sound journey for those who are in the wind by the Teatro dell’Orsa is at 3.30 pm on Saturday 29 October in Ginepreto di Castelnovo ne’ Monti, in the province of Reggio Emilia from the Agriturismo Il Ginepro. The path will develop in the area of the National Park of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines that climbs towards the Pietra di Bismantova, the rocky massif, isolated and unmistakable, already sung by Dante in the fourth canto of Purgatory.
In Ginepreto, in front of the church where the Agriturismo Il Ginepro is also located, the first reception of the spectators participating in the rite on the way will take place. The group will move towards the path in the woods, to the call of voices and instruments, with melodies born from the names of the people who have died, each letter associated with a musical note.
The Felina Band, directed by Davide Castellari, will welcome the public with original music composed by Gaetano Nenna and Antonella Talamonti for this poetic-sound action, which will be led by Bernardino Bonzani, Monica Morini, Gaetano Nenna, Lucia Donadio and Chiara Ticini.
«At the end of the walk it will be possible to drink a hot tea, which will be offered to us by the Il Ginepro Social Cooperative with whom we have happily entered into a relationship, and share with others the impressions of the experience: a cup of hot and fragrant tea to give courage while we talk about life. Tea End?, in fact, is an event that has roots in everyone’s life, which calls the participating public to a journey in immersion in nature through music and verses» conclude the artists «to remind us, as Rilke says, that we are peels and leaves around another mysterious fruit that is death, but while we do it we are celebrating life».
Free participation. Walking shoes are recommended.
Limited places, reservation recommended: send WhatsApp message to 351 5482101.
Tea End? poetic and sound journey for those who are in the wind, which makes use of the sound dramaturgy of Antonella Talamonti and the artistic collaboration of Annamaria Gozzi, is realized with the support of the Municipality of Castelnovo ne’ Monti, the Bismantova Theater and the Green Cross of Castelnovo ne’ Monti and in collaboration with the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines National Park Authority, Il Ginepro Soc. Coop, Emanuele Regi (University of Bologna) and L’uomo che cammina NonFestival di Sacro e Natura.
Info on the Teatro dell’Orsa: