Home » Summertime in jazz: Baraccone Express

Summertime in jazz: Baraccone Express


Baraccone Express

Wednesday 26 July 2023 at 9.30 pm – Piazza Trento, Travo

Paul Xeres (cymbalom)

Luca Radaelli (clarinet, alto sax, vocals)

Edoardo Tomaselli (trumpet, flugelhorn, vocals)

Stefano Malugani (double bass)

The quartet – very special, thanks to the use of cymbalon – was born in 2011, uniting musicians who have always moved in different sound fields, between traditional jazz, blues, swing, Balkan repertoire and rockabilly.

Two albums already published, a third album in preparation, from 2011 to today the Baraccone Express has played in festivals, street arts festivals, clubs, events and events.

An instrument with an ancient history, the cymbalom; the Crusaders brought him from the East, and over time he has become the prince of much gypsy music, as well as the popular and klezmer repertoire of Central Europe.

A hypnotic sound, halfway between that of a piano, a harpsichord and a guitar. The metal ropes struck by two thin wooden chopsticks, covered with cotton.

This is the starting point for the sound research of the Baraccone Express, a quartet that combines the cymbalom with clarinet and alto sax, soprano flugelhorn and trumpet, voice and double bass.

Free admission without reservation

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