Home » Summer of the Pievi: San Basilide

Summer of the Pievi: San Basilide

san basilide

Saturday 8 October 2022, concert and guided tour
to the church in the municipality of Lesignano de ‘Bagni (PR).

Saturday 8 October 2022, the penultimate appointment of the Summer of the Pievi touches the Abbey of San Basilide, or Badia Cavana, in San Michele Cavana, in the municipality of Lesignano de ‘Bagni (PR). Coordinated by the Province of Parma in collaboration with the Municipalities and with the contribution of the Cariparma Foundation, the project for the rediscovery and enhancement of the most iconic buildings of a millenary history leads to the discovery of a Romanesque jewel from the early 12th century, founded, according to tradition, by San Bernardo degli Uberti, abbot of Vallombrosa, cardinal and apostolic legate of Pope Paschal II. Testimony of the original layout, the cloister and the two-arched portico with sandstone capitals, depicting symbols of the evangelists, fantastic animals of the medieval bestiary and intertwining plants. An important stopping place for travelers on the ancient road that connected Parma to Tuscany through the Lagastrello pass, the church houses the remains of San Basilide in the crypt.
The experience is completed by the theatrical concert “Matilda, Dei gratia si quid est. Between history and legend. Oratory for Matilde di Canossa “(dedicated to Matilda di Canossa) of the vocal and instrumental ensemble Dramsam, Giuliano Center of Ancient Music, with the reciting voice of Massimiliano Filoni, Giolli Center for Research and Theater Experimentation, at 6 pm.
Limited places – Reservations recommended: 338 6310900 – info@melusine.it

Participation is free.

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For information: Estate delle Pievi
Iat of Parma, tel. 0521 218889
Website: https://www.provincia.parma.it/

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