Concert at the Oratorio dell’Assunta.
New appointment of the concert series
“A Tu per Tu”,
with the pieces of the great Polish composer Fryderyk Chopin performed by Martin Kasik, one of the most important pianists of the moment. Sunday, November 6 to 6.00 pmInOratory of the Assumption of the Rocca Sanvitale of Sala Baganza It will be great music again, with an exceptional artist who will give the public that particular magic of “Face to Face”, able to establish a direct dialogue between those who play and those who listen in a pleasant and informal environment.
It will therefore be a unique opportunity to attend a high-level concert with free admission. To attend the concerts it is necessary to book by calling the IAT of the Unione Pedemontana Parmense, 0521 331342/43, or by sending an e-mail to:, indicating name, surname and a telephone number.