A cycle rally in the heart of the Nure valley for charity: the Pasgat Cycle in Vigolzone – Sunday 8 October among the first hills of the Val Nure will come to life the Ciclo Pasgat, a charity event organized thanks to PFB of Cesare Poggioli, which will raise funds for the purchase of a “flying tandem” that will be made available for disabled people, by the Circolo Anspi Rifugio Alpino. The event will start in Vigolzone, in front of the bar “La Tana del Kalice”, with meeting at 7 am and departure at French from 8 to 9. The cost of registration is 5 euros, which as mentioned will go to charity, and will take us through two routes, to discover even better the lower Val Nure. A small journey on the first slopes of this valley between its vines and its paths to be tackled with mtb, gravel or even electric bicycles. Upon returning to Vigolzone you will find yourself in the heart of the Autumn Festival with the opportunity to have lunch on the party with a dedicated menu for those who participated in the Ciclo Pasgat.