Home » Naturalistic evenings in Val Trebbia

Naturalistic evenings in Val Trebbia

Schermata 2023-05-12 alle 10.04.11

Also this year in Rivergaro the appointment with the “naturalistic evenings in Val Trebbia”, evenings dedicated to animals and their habitats organized by G.O.L. Gruppo Ornitologico Lombardo and sponsored by the Municipality of Rivergaro .

Let’s get started Saturday, May 13 at 21:00 at the Auditorium of the Casa del Popolo with the intervention of Professor Diego Rubolini who will present “The lesser kestrel in the Po Valley” a small migratory falcon typical of the Mediterranean areas that, as a result of global warming, is moving northwards and has recently colonized areas of the Po Valley. During the evening, the results of some conservation actions carried out to consolidate its presence in this area will be illustrated, which could play an important role in favoring the adaptation of the lesser kestrel to global warming and the short documentary “LIFE on the move” will be screened.

The second evening is for Saturday, May 27 at 21:00 always at the Casa del Popolo with “The nature of Europe” by the nature photographer Nicola Destefano. The evening will be a journey through the diversity and richness of European nature, accompanied by images depicting some of the most iconic species known by the general public and some of the least known and most neglected. A short journey made of photographic notes made in the last fifteen years in this part of the Old World.

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