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Malvasia and…


Malvasia and… Seven events to celebrate the myth of Malvasia. Surprise pairings and new proposals along the Roads of Wines and Flavors of Emilia, in the provinces of Parma and Piacenza.

Malvasia, a wine with wide horizons and with a lot of potential to express. A vine that differs from others for the long and centuries-old history, which is rooted since the Renaissance and reaches the present day enriched with interpretations and combinations. A story that becomes myth and that offers new ideas for unexpected proposals, confirming Malvasia as a wine that always knows how to surprise.

The project “Malvasia e…” a food and wine festival in seven appointments starts from a story and arrives on the table, demonstrating once again the versatility of a wine that from the past has been able to cross the ages and look to the future.

The project is promoted by LAG of the Ducato under the Rural Development Programme 2014/2020 (Specific Action 19.2.02 of Measure 19 in Emilia Romagna) in collaboration with Strada dei Vini e dei Sapori dei Colli Piacentini, Strada del Fungo Porcino di Borgotaro and Strada del Prosciutto e dei Vini dei Colli di Parma and with the contribution of Emilia Wine Experience, the project to promote the territory.

It starts with an exceptional testimonial, Giacomo Casanova. The eighteenth-century adventurer, who lived in the period in which Malvasia was the most widespread and appreciated wine by the European courts, will ideally guide us in the path
“Malvasia and… Unruliness”
along the Porcini Mushroom Road. In Val Taro, in the Parma area, on the weekends of 13-14 May and 3-4 June in the clubs participating in the Road, you can discover unusual combinations, such as Malvasia and blackthorn mushroom or Malvasia and trout. And the tastings (limited number by reservation) at the Mushroom Museum in Borgo Val di Taro and Albareto will be an opportunity to learn about the different vinifications of the vine.

Leonardo da Vinci, artist and scientist, was also an agronomist and oenologist and lived in the period when the Venetians planted the vine on a large scale in Italy. It goes without saying to dedicate the second path to him “Malvasia and… Genius”:the 19-21 May and 9-11 June in the menus proposed by the restaurateurs of the Road of Wines and Flavors of the Colli Piacentini we will find ‘brilliant’ combinations, combinations of flavors rarely experienced, supported very well by Malvasia wine, capable of generating surprise and sure appreciation in customers. The exhibition will take place in the Piacenza area and includes tastings in the cellar on Friday 19 May and 9 June.

Springreview programme

Malvasia and… Unruliness with the Porcini Mushroom Road of Borgotaro

13-14 May and 3-4 June

Malvasia and… Genius with the Wine and Flavors Road of the Colli Piacentini

19-21 May and 9-11 June

Malvasia and… Ardimento with the Strada del Prosciutto e dei Vini dei Colli di Parma

20-21 May and 17-18 June

Calendar of tastings

(All tastings are reservation required)

Malvasia and… Unruliness: tastings at the premises of the Porcini Mushroom Museum of Borgotaro

May 12th, Borgo Val di Taro (Pr) – 5:30 pm

June 1st, Albareto (Pr) – 6:00 pm

Malvasia and… Genio: tastings in the cellar

May 19, Vigolzone (Pc) – Cantine La Tosa – 6:30 pm

June 9th, Ziano Piacentino (Pc) – Cantina Fratelli Piacentini – 6:30 pm

Malvasia and… Tasting daring

May 21st, Sala Baganza (Pr) – Malvasia Festival

Show Wine Tasting with A. Pizzi at the stand of the Strada del Prosciutto di Parma

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