Home » Happy birthday Lina! “Narrated” guided tour at night at Compiano Castle

Happy birthday Lina! “Narrated” guided tour at night at Compiano Castle

tanti auguri lina! visita guidata narrata in notturna al castello di compiano (pr)

On Friday, April 7, 2023, at 9 p.m., Compiano Castle will extraordinarily open its doors to the public for a very special evening!
On the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the birth of the last owner and resident of our manor, several narrative voices will tell the incredible story of Marchesa Lina Raimondi Gambarotta.
The noblewoman was born in Tortona on April 7, 1903, emigrated to Argentina in the early 1920s and, following her marriage to businessman Piero Gambarotta, lived in South America for about 30 years, then returned to Italy once she was widowed and settled in Compiano for the last 20 years of her life.
Direct testimonies from those who knew her and historical documents will unveil previously unpublished aspects of her life, her acquaintances, and her work activities and collecting manias.
Over the course of the evening, visitors will be catapulted through Belle Époque atmospheres and sequins, political connections and intrigue, friendships with big-name literati and showbiz personalities, as well as daily foibles of the ecclectic collector.
At the end of the visit we will raise our glasses to the sky, remembering “our” Marchioness and her love for “bubbly”!

Admission with aperitif: 15 euros (adults); 10 euros (children 7-16 years old)
Reservations required: info@castellodicompiano.it; 0525 825541

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