On Monday 4 September, the Grande Tombolata of the Coppa Piacentina 2023 arrives in Carpaneto Piacentino, one more opportunity to spend an evening of fun in company.
The event, organized by the Pro Loco and the Municipality of Carpaneto, will be held during the last day of the 65th edition of the Festa della Coppa Piacentina.
The evening, presented by Joseph Villa, includes the beginning of the draws at 21.00.
The folders for the Grande Tombola della Coppa Piacentina will be on sale at a cost of € 2.00 each until 15.00 on Monday 4 September at: Tabaccheria Devoti, viale Vittoria, 1 / B – Tabaccheria Gloria, provincial road 61, Ciriano di Carpaneto – Edicola LDGE, via Marconi – Cartoleria Lo Scarabocchio, via Pallastrelli 4 – Ferramenta Bonini, via Trieste 1 – Alimentari Bellini, via Marconi 41.
From 19.30 to 21.00 on Monday 4 September the folders will be on sale at the stage where the extraction takes place in Piazza Scotti da Vigoleno.
The prize for the first of the 10 Tombole up for grabs, offered by the Pro Loco Carpaneto, is a 4-day Mediterranean Cruise all inclusive for two people with the fabulous Costa Favolosa cruise ship.