The long-awaited appointment in the Apennines has been postponed due to bad weather and will take place on Sunday 26 March. The competition between the best Norcini, now in its sixth edition, will be an opportunity to spend a day in the streets of the town, animated by the agri-food market and the craft market, tastings, entertainment and games for children.
At 9:00 am the cooking will begin, which will continue all day to arrive at 16:00 with the awarding of the best product. To compete in the race, this year, 48 teams from our Apennines, from the province of Reggio Emilia and Mantua. The Accademia del Cicciolo, chaired by Pietro Grosset, will have the task of electing the Cicciolo d’oro 2023.
At each edition of the Festival the number of associations and subjects participating in the initiative increases: this year the Civil Protection Association “I Lupi dell’Appennino” will organize the game of “Ciapa al Salam”, the Paullo school will organize the game of the weight of ham, while the Italian Red Cross of Casina will preside over the entire event for health aspects.
The initiative is organized by the Pro Loco of Cortogno in collaboration with local associations and with the patronage of the Municipality of Casina.