Home » Feast of the village of Sariano

Feast of the village of Sariano

Schermata 2023-07-06 alle 21.24.09
Also this year the village of Sariano in the Municipality of Gropparello hosts the traditional Festa del borgo with its 29th edition, from Friday 7 to Monday 10 July!
There will be food stands and lots of music with a steel dance floor and a small amusement park for the little ones.
Free admission.
Friday 7 July
when: 7.30 pm
kiosk opening
When: 9.00 pm
dancing evening with the Renzo orchestra and minstrels
Saturday 8 July
When: 7.00 pm
kiosk opening
When: 9.00 pm
dancing evening with Rosella and Marco
Sunday 9 July
When: 10.00 am
visit to the authorities and inauguration of the 29th edition of the Festa del Borgo
When: 11.00 am
Holy Mass at the feast area
When: 11.30 am
refreshments offered by the Association of Authorities
when: 12.00
lunch with friends in Val Vezzeno
when: 5.00 pm
Classic Car Exhibition
When: 7.00 pm
dinner with friends in Val Vezzeno
When: 9.00 pm
dancing evening with Danilo Rancati
Monday 10 July
when: 7.30 pm
kiosk opening
When: 9.00 pm
dancing evening with the orchestra Daniela Cavanna
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