A “Concert Menu”, from appetizer to dessert, with four fine ingredients: Vitali, Grieg, Beethoven, Gardel and Brahms. All prepared with a duo of exceptional “chefs” and close-knit by a long friendship: Lorenzo Parisi (violin) and Giuseppe Maiorca (piano). An original menu, which will be “served” on Sunday 24 September 2023 at 6 pm in the Oratory of the Assumption in Rocca Sanvitale of Sala Baganza and which is part of the concert season “A Tu per Tu”, now in its 17th edition, which offers artistic performances at the highest level with free admission.
The concert offers an original listening perspective, which ranges freely among the musical masterpieces of all time. The Appetizer includes variations in a musical form that recalls the composition of a mixed dish, composed of many small different elements. The first , a Sonata movement, will be unique so as not to exaggerate with carbohydrates, while the second includes two proposals of Romances, one Classical and one Romantic, with the interlude of a sorbet to break the taste between the two dishes. And at the end we will move on to dessert: two Scherzi (by Brahms and Beethoven) to leave listeners with a sweet memory of the evening.
For over thirty years the friendship between Parisi and Mallorca has turned into a consolidated musical bond. The repertoire performed in this long time touches all styles and eras, from the eighteenth century to Classicism, from Romanticism to the Italian and European twentieth century.