Home » Exhibition: “Fantastic creatures of Valtrebbia”

Exhibition: “Fantastic creatures of Valtrebbia”

Schermata 2023-09-14 alle 13.18.33

On September 15th Emilia Rizzi inaugurates at the Torretta del Castello di Bobbio a painting exhibition that has as its theme “Fantastic creatures of Valtrebbia”.
Covid has given Emilia Rizzi the opportunity to transform the long isolation into an opportunity to pick up the brushes and experiment with various subjects and techniques until she makes the final decision to test herself with this personal exhibition.
The ‘Fantastic Creatures’ are the inhabitants of the Valley, birds and mammals that you are sometimes lucky enough to meet. Creatures, all of them, express, in those who can see and hear, the intimate and wonderful tenderness of their innocence. The warmth they know how to transmit, their absolute ability to trust, to protect themselves, to let themselves live have always fascinated the author who, in these real portraits, has tried to capture the particular characteristic of each one. It follows that their external appearance has taken on a secondary value and the intimate essence of each subject expressed with shapes and colors ranging from the surreal, to the symbolic, to the metaphysical has taken over. Still images immersed in a suspension of time.
Emilia Rizzi was born in Verona on 9 April 1949 and moved to Bobbio in 2006. He graduated from Liceo Artistico Cignaroli in Verona and attended a fresco course at the Accademia Cignaroli in Verona. In her professional life she has made several experiences ranging from drawing and art history substitutes in Middle and High Schools, to collaborations in architectural firms to finish her career at the Press Office in a Verona SpA as a graphic designer and collaborator for public relations and for the drafting of articles. From October he will start a series of courses in freehand drawing and also in descriptive geometry for students of High School and the first year of Architecture and Building Engineering.

From 15 to 24 September from 10 to 13 and from 15 to 18 – closed on Tuesdays

Contacts: tel. 331 3442261 – rizziemilia@libero.it

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