Home » Excursion with visit to historic winery and tasting

Excursion with visit to historic winery and tasting

Schermata 2023-10-04 alle 11.45.06

Sunday, October 8

Circular excursion of 8km+320 MT in altitude
1) meeting at 08:50 at the parking lot of the Piacenza stadium starting at 09:00
2) meeting at 10:15 am in Cassano di Ponte dell’olio with departure 10:30.
Reservation by 29/09/2023.
hiking shoes
packed lunch
After the excursion we will move to Albarola to visit the historic Barattieri winery. where there will be buffet with:
Typical Piacenza cold cuts, bread and focaccia, savory pie and giardiniera, tasting of two wines: sparkling ortrugo and gutturnio superiore DOC.
Cost per person €25.
For booking make payment:
iban IT94Q0707265440000000729770
In favor of Piacenza Cammina2.0
reason: participant name + Barattieri tasting

For info: https://www.facebook.com/events/268323682684810

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