Home » Controcorrente contemporary art exhibition

Controcorrente contemporary art exhibition

Schermata 2023-10-04 alle 10.40.35

From 7 to 15 October 2023, the Rocca dei Sanvitale in Noceto (PR) will host the contemporary art exhibition “Controcorrente”, organized by the Sine Tempore Association under the patronage of the Municipality.

Twenty artists from Italy, Brazil, Poland, Germany, have chosen to share their path despite belonging to different artistic currents, abandoning their singularities for a non-divisive comparison and able to create a solid empathy. The exhibition of the works is nothing more than the “catharsis” of a long period of time in which the artists have had the opportunity to meet, to get to know each other, to express their doubts, to reflect on the need for their creation. In this historical moment so difficult, confused and involved in extreme struggles of prevarication, Art must resume its centrality by returning to play a social function that allows the abandonment of divisions and the rediscovery of a common understanding through its specific language.

Exhibitors: Thomas Arcari, Donatella Borsotti, Boz, Lino Budano, Francesca Camboni, Marco Ceruti, Lucio De Luca, Vando Figueiredo, Simona Gastaldi, Mariola Landowska, Francesco Manlio Lodigiani, Giuseppe Lombardo, Davide Malvo, Pamela Marenghi, Rudy Milani, Tiziana Anna Paffile, Carla Piazza, Mario Righi, Tommaso Villani, Brigitte von Humboldt. A special section will be dedicated to the memory of Marco Consensi.
Curators: Rossella Farina and Gianluigi Zoncati

Inauguration Saturday, October 7 at 17.

Monday: closed
Tuesday to Sunday: 10.00-13.00/15.00-18.00

FB: Sine Tempore
IG: @sine_tempore_associazione
Email: sinetempore.art@gmail.com

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