Here is the program dedicated to Christmas 2022 that will take place in Bobbio.
Sunday, December 11 – The snail festival, a tasty event where you can taste the recipe of the gastronomic tradition bobbiese. There will also be a Christmas market and entertainment for children and families.
8.30 am: opening of the market in Piazza Duomo
10.30 am: official inauguration of the festival
11.30 am: tasting of the famous ”Bobbiese snails” offered by the Municipality of Bobbio.
3.30 pm: Largo Rio Grande – free tasting offered by the Sodalizio Ra Familia Bubieiza
3.30 pm: Auditorium Santa Chiara – Theatrical show for children “Un Natale arrabbiato” by Associazione Culturale Teatrodipietra Onlus
Sunday 18 December – Croccantata
V edition of the Croccantata in collaboration with the artisans of the crunchy Bobbio – Piazza Duomo – from 8 am – Municipality of Bobbio, Ra Familia Bubièiza
Saturday 24 December – Santa Claus Parade
Bobbio- Largo Rio Grande at 16.00 Ra Familia Bubièiza
From 24 December to 6 January – Nativity scenes on display
Nativity scenes set up in the streets of the city
From 28 to 30 December – Dialect comedy
Ar teator dra Familia Bubièiza proposes: “Toot l’ônôr addio baracca” Bobbio – Auditorium Philippe Daverio – 9.00 pm Ra Familia Bubièiza
Friday 6 January – Arriva la Befana
Friday 6 January from 4 pm – Arriva la Befana, concert by the Gerberto Choir and award ceremony of the cribs Bobbio – Largo Rio Grande Ra Familia Bubièiza
Bobbio – Tourist Information and Reception Office
St. Francis Square
Bobbio (PC) – Italy
Phone: + 39 0523 962815