Home » Animated Fairy Tales for Children and Adults at the Castle of Bardi

Animated Fairy Tales for Children and Adults at the Castle of Bardi

Schermata 2023-09-27 alle 11.28.55

The project “Magici Libri in Castello” on 7 and 8 October to children and teenagers, in the evocative atmosphere of the fortress of Bardi, the opportunity to rediscover stories through interpreted reading and costume animations where animated fairy tales will transform reading into an interactive adventure.
These are playful-educational workshops led by operators of the I Brucaliffi Association, in the guise of animators and extras where children and young people will become the protagonists of the stories.
The leitmotif of the festival is that, in a fantastic and magical setting, participants are led to the discovery of realistic characters, their fears or virtues.
Through the collaboration with Giunti Editore, the young participants will be given some books with the hope that they can continue the adventure of reading even after the initiative.
The events will be free for children upon registration subject to availability.
Timetables, information and registration form on the site www.brucaliffi.it

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