Home » Farm House La Corte del Prete

Farm House La Corte del Prete

Dove mangiare

In Tuna di Gazzola (PC). Right in front of the Parish Church of SS. Faustino and Giovita (1037), a quiet courtyard, overlooking the building transformed into a farmhouse, allows you to immerse yourself in the ancient atmosphere of the countryside, a stone’s throw from the city.

At La Corte del Prete the watchword is Cucina Piacentina.


Piazzale Chiesa Loc. Tuna

29010 – GAZZOLA (PC)

Tel. 0523 179 8192 Cell. 3342558252

www.agriturismo-la-corte-del-prete.businnes.site email: lacortedelprete@gmail.com

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