Scipione Passeri is a small town halfway between Salsomaggiore Terme and Vigoleno, in the valley of the Stirone river park, between Parma and Piacenza.
A country that lives on a predominantly agricultural economy.
What brings us to this seemingly normal location?
We arrive at Scipione Passeri to enjoy one of the most special festivals of the Apennines: the Festival dedicated to scarecrows.
Yes, you read that right! 😉
A magical event that involves all the inhabitants of the village of the city of Salsomaggiore Terme and attracts many participants and as many curious.
A real party with night walks, music, dancing, good food, games, attractions, awards and night walk of living scarecrows.
You can not miss the election of the Scarecrow of the year with the proclamation of the winner on the final evening.
Creating Scarecrows is a great game, it’s creative freedom, it’s giving life back to otherwise useless materials, it’s imagining stories behind each of those strange beings.
Everyone can participate in the race… Just book your space in the field and you’re done.
It’s time to let your imagination run wild!
Stay tuned to find out the festival dates for 2022