The ethnographic museum on the theme of the production of Salame di Felino was created inside the cellars of the Castle of Felino, an ancient manor dating back to the year 890, in Felino in the Province of Parma.
The castle stands on an isolated hillock, in a panoramic and strategic position.
It was built by the Noble Marquis Luppone even if the first testimonies date back to the twelfth century and more precisely to 1140, when the abbess Agnese managed to recover her rights on a chapel included within the walls of the Castrum Filini.
Enlarged and fortified in the following centuries, the castle can now be visited only partially: external walls, courtyard and underground.
The museum itinerary is divided into five sections.
1: Historical analysis of the relationship between the territory and salami with a focus on the history of the black pig.
2: gastronomy with testimonies of the use of salami in Parma.
3: butchery and home production.
4: production technology, from origins to current events + marketing of the product.
5: video of the museum and collection of historical curiosities, including the origin of the iconography of Sant’Antonio Abate, protector of domestic animals and patron saint of breeders and butchers.
The visit to the museum can be a good start to visit Felino, a charming village nestled among the gentle reliefs of the valley of the Baganza stream.
Castello di Felino – Strada al Castello, 1, 43035 Felino (PR)
Ph. +39.340.1939057
Service active from Monday to Sunday 9.00-19.00